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And That Was Not the End of It

I should stop lying to myself .

From the Drafts: Of Course, You Can Brag About Your Better Half

I was unable to blog about our 5th wedding anniversary, which also marked our 10th year together—something  I do every year —because I was too busy writing another piece. I thought I could go back to blogging once I finish my long-ass essay.  But 19 pages later, I try to avoid anything th…

From the Drafts: The Dark Side of Motherhood

I was thinking of blogging about something because I wanted to take a break from the long-ass essay that I have been writing. I thought I could pull off what my favorite author, Brandon Sanderson, can do. He writes something different if he's feeling burned out. He takes a break from …

Here's an Honest Review: White Glow Skincare Products

Dry patches, dark spots, visible fine lines, blemishes, and an overall lack of glow that screams "I haven't slept in the last three years"—that's what you get when you're into the thick of motherhood. With two little humans and a teen to take care of, pressing chores…

After What Seemed Like an Eternity of Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

We finally got to see Jack Johnson live!  And he did not disappoint!  OMGAEOFIJASFJHGVOAHIJROARLOJSDFJAF!!! Allow me to share with you all a story of our greatest weekend in 2024 yet.  *deep breath* Here goes...  Jan and I didn't know about the Wanderland Music Festival until we saw o…

New Career Options

I love online shopping and traveling, that's why it is imperative that I return to work to continue funding my hobbies. So I looked into the job market, and I was mildly horrified. The last time I had a job interview was in 2016. That was eight freaking years ago. Plus, in my line of …

Now You're Just the Dada That I Used to Know

I would have turned this into a parenting blog—where I may never have to run out of things to write and, therefore, make a living out of it—but it will only reveal the sh*t mom that I am. You would probably read nothing but parenting fails. I would be shamed for being the kind of mother w…

Two Hundred Ninety-Nope

It was in the early 2000s when I learned how to craft byte-sized narratives (a.k.a. blog) and I have been suffering from verbal diarrhea ever since. To those who know me, it's not a surprise that when I have something to say, I don't hold back.  And when I say I have something to …

Marriage Isn't 50-50

For this year's year-end post, Jan takes the center stage. Again. -------- It was around January this year when I noticed one of my fingers started swelling. I thought it was just a simple case of a sprained finger. But one inflamed finger led to another, until I could not twist open …