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What I Wore in Thailand

When I packed for Thailand, I already knew that pulling off an outfit would be a struggle. On one hand, I wanted to respect the culture and keep things conservative. On the other hand, Thailand's unforgiving hot and humid weather would want me wear as little as possible. Temples and c…

Tips for Obtaining a Multiple-Entry Visa in Japan

Jan and I absolutely love Japan. The first time we went there, we stayed for 8 days. And let me tell you, 8 days in Japan is like getting one sushi roll when you want the whole platter. We tried to cram everything in— ramen in Tokyo, temples in Kyoto, USJ in Osaka, deer in Nara, beef burg…

Welcomed 2025 at Dahilayan Forest Park

We kicked off 2024 at Haven's Dew Resort in Kapatagan, Digos City for the incredibly important reason that...

Another Win for SarWrites

And, we did it again ! SarWrites has been recognized as  Best Personal Blog at the Davao Blog Awards 2024 , and I’m over here grinning from ear to ear! 😊 When I first started this little corner of the internet, it was a hodgepodge of random musings, over-shared opinions, and self refle…

Last Na 'To

The past few months have kept me busy with a number of blogging events, leaving me to rummage through my shoe collection in search of something to wear.  It was a fashion crisis of epic proportions. I only wanted to wear one specific pair of shoes. The thing is, I don't even have it. …