I swear. Jan and I never ever thought that one day we would be called landlords. We think it's a title only given to the asset rich, cash rich. Since we are neither, becoming a landlord has never really sunk in even though it has been seven months since we had our first and brand new…
It has been over a year since the Covid-19 pandemic. While 50% of the workforce is probably back, others have already adapted to the work-from-home setup. Some, on the other hand, are still adjusting, and may find it isolating and challenging, especially to those who have young children l…
The idea of raising a child in a limited screen time environment is something the husband and I planned to do. So, even if our baby was still at 4 months, I already started scouting for toys that spark curiosity and encourage imaginative play. I wanted something that's mainly wooden b…
I fell off the the world for a bit, but for one good reason. Last February, we opened our online toy store and I became too preoccupied ever since. I have been doing feasibility studies, market research, financial mapping, and business plan—which is actually just daydreaming about making…
I am so active on Facebook nowadays. You see, I have been replying to every inquiry on every listing I made. It's tedious, honestly. Especially when the answers to those inquiries have already been posted. But I'm not complaining. If anything, I would like to keep those " hm…
I cannot keep a job for more than 3 years and I do not know if that is a good or bad thing. Hopping from one job to another in a short span of time does not leave a good impression to most employers here. But my career has plateaued. If I am no longer growing and not getting any closer to…
When people ask me about my current job, I tell them one thing. When asked about what my college course was, I tell them another. And then everybody would give me a second look in awe or most likely in utter disbelief and blurts out, " As in?! Ang layo!" Kung sa Bisaya pa, &quo…
I don't have a job right now. And maybe a lot of you are wondering how the f*ck was I able to survive three months of paying bills and tuition fees, splurging on unneccessary stuff , and gallivanting without having a stable and full-time job. I do have a few Mobile App design jo…
Whenever something big or a drastic change happens in your life, you end up explaining a thousand times what the eff just happened and why. Case in point, the day I said goodbye to my normal/regular (or however you call it) office day job. I love how my close friends eagerly asked for d…
Anticipation is creeping in. 2 hours. 2 hours more and everything will be shut down, signed out, and perhaps forgotten. My desk that used to be a home of a cutesy pup plushie, scratch papers, post-its, and candy wrappers now screams emptiness. This room, once a nest of brilliant people f…
Today, marks exactly one year since I first set foot into the corporate world. Time flies really fast when you get too preoccupied, with or without fun. I never even thought I'd survive a year in this dog-eat-dog world. But look! I'm still here, more alive than ever, typing out l…
Everyone who knew me and those who read my blog know that I've been working at home ever since I got my first job. July this year, I was quite devastated when I heard the news that the company I work with (and came to love) has to put me from full-time to contractual work since sales …
September marks the month of transition. Well, to most Pinoys, the start of BER months mean a transition from the ordinary days to the festivities of Christmas. As early as the first day of September some friends are already posting Christmasy statuses on Facebook. So if you're gettin…
When I'm on facebook, I don't just spend my time stalking on people's profiles and read about what they do with their lives. I join groups. Groups for mommies, bloggers, freelancers, hobbyists, online money makers and whatnot. Groups where you find healthy discussions, lessons…
When people learn that I work from home, I get different reactions. Most people would say "Ka hayahay." Hayahay is a term from our local dialect which could mean any of the following: relaxing, comfortable, convenient, ease, and all other terms related to it. It is as good as …
I have this callous. It’s thick and it’s dark. Ten years ago, I chose to study nursing because I thought this career could take me to a good life: work abroad, have a car and build my dream house. One hundred hospital duties, thirty absences and countless pink slips later, I dread…
I design websites for a living, cook breakfast, wash the dishes, then feed, bathe and play with my son at the same time. Sounds like too much of a juggle? I don't think so. I survived the first crucial year of mommyhood, tending to my son's needs, always there to see my baby'…

Minsan blogger, madalas tamad.
But please know that I can be utterly pointless or very opinionated. So proceed with caution and do not take anything from this blog seriously. If I somehow get on your nerves, refunds on your energy are not available. π
Want to work with me or maybe just say 'hi'? Shoot me an email at sarwrites@gmail.com.
I Blog About...
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◦ What's in my heart
◦ What makes me both crazy & sane
◦ The Wedding Diaries
◦ What's in my closet
◦ What's on my mind
◦ What fires me up
◦ Things I didn't want you to know
◦ The Sarah Manual
◦ Shiznits no one cares about
◦ My Blog Adventures
Blog Hits
Things You Ought to Know
All crappy doodles that you see in this site are illustrated by me. You are free to use any of these as long as you give proper credits and link back to this site.