Everybody knows that I am into arts and crafts. I can DIY whatever the hell I want. It's just that... I am lazy. And I don't have a lot of patience for it. Today, I installed a new cork board and a whiteboard for my workstation - which is pretty boring. And even though I am lazy…
I was known to be a sleeper in class back in college. And when I wasn't sleeping, my classmates would find me scribbling absentmindedly. Half of the pages of my notebook (if I even had one) were filled with doodles and the rest were just clean empty pages. I might have offended some…
I just want to share what boredom can do to me. And by boredom, I meant, my new ukulele case looks so boring my eyes hurt just by looking at it. No offense to RJ Guitars. This case is—quality-wise—excellent. I embrace simplicity but this is just too bland for my taste. So to prettify it…
I wish one day I'd be able to paint one of these walls ... These are exactly the words I told myself a few years ago. I have always been fascinated with street art. How they are a mystery. How they keep people in constant wonder. How and when did it effin come up here? What the hell…
I haven't done so much of this, and I know need a lot of practice now. I seemed to be satisfied with a botched artwork. Ugh. But hey, my friends loved it! :) #TheThingsIDoWhenInternetIsDown
I went 3 days without the internet. Not that I did it on purpose. It's the crappy service I get from my ISP. I just saw myself reacting poorly to the situation by getting agitated by, excuse my word, inutile customer service representatives who cannot help solve internet problems br…
This is an old, old idea. Unoriginal. But I cannot think of a better way to fuse my love for writing and drawing than to create blog posts devoted to both. Hence, the GuLat Project . Gulat is a Filipino word that means shock or surprise. But I've also coined this from two words…
Last week, a friend asked me to create a vector art of our dear Mayor Rody Duterte to support her advocacy in encouraging him to run for Presidency. Okay, I'll be honest with you. I really don't like the idea of him running for President. You see, I, for one, love him so much that…
I'm posting this because I'm so damn proud of this man and so damn proud of myself. I missed doing vectors and it has been more than 3 years since the last time I did this. I am amazing! And I am the best! Okay, this is my blog and I can say whatever I want! Haha. Kidding aside, I…
There are artists here in the Philippines that I really admire (and envy) for their first-rate art skills. To name some would be: 1.) the creative dork, Aseo . He is undeniably, one of the greatest illustrators/digital artists to date; and, 2.) Kerby , one of the most talented sketch mast…
I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am to have a "talent" or at least I say, a knack for art. I have been quite isolated lately. The drastic change of priorities and my responsibilities left me with no choice but to stay home. Believe me, being withdrawn for weeks from the …
I wish Baymax was real. Jan is sick. And so am I. I could really use one big huggable inflatable robot that looks like a giant marshmallow right now. My Baymax is rather slim. Haha I don't think anyone's going to disagree with me if I say we all need a Baymax in our lives.We …
All the while, I thought I lost it. But here it is. As promised, one artwork done for this year. I know I still need a lot of practice. It took a while before my hand stopped being fidgety. It's not that good, but it's not bad either. And I know in my heart, as I want to bel…
I was mindlessly lurking on my Facebook news feed when I suddenly stumbled upon one of my friend's drawings. I stared at it for a long time. Something bothered me. It couldn't be the stroke or the colors or the medium used. It's actually a pretty good drawing. But something is…
My love for digital art started from a simple photo manipulation. I was 17. All I did was edit a photo by adding fancy texts, splatter some brushes here and some glitters there, and voila! I called it art. And I was so proud of it. Then one photo after another, I started to improve. I…

Minsan blogger, madalas tamad.
But please know that I can be utterly pointless or very opinionated. So proceed with caution and do not take anything from this blog seriously. If I somehow get on your nerves, refunds on your energy are not available. π
Want to work with me or maybe just say 'hi'? Shoot me an email at sarwrites@gmail.com.
I Blog About...
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◦ What's in my heart
◦ What makes me both crazy & sane
◦ The Wedding Diaries
◦ What's in my closet
◦ What's on my mind
◦ What fires me up
◦ Things I didn't want you to know
◦ The Sarah Manual
◦ Shiznits no one cares about
◦ My Blog Adventures
Blog Hits
Things You Ought to Know
All crappy doodles that you see in this site are illustrated by me. You are free to use any of these as long as you give proper credits and link back to this site.