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Always a Work In Progress

This page changes from time to time because, well, people change. Like how I have gone from a career-driven woman to an unskilled housewife. Or how I would rather dress up extra nicely than look boring and frumpy when doing quick grocery runs. Or how I have lost all the enthusiasm to read books because I now enjoy drowning in the same old dramas of celebrities and strangers on the internet. 

For the past years, I have repeatedly reinvented myself because I have this constant urge to try something new. But let me tell you one thing that never changed: MY  LOVE FOR WRITING. Although with all honesty, my love for writing is inversely proportional to the diligence I have to actually get me somewhere. You will, however, always find me here, even if blogging is seemingly dead. I will still be here, writing. 

In case you are curious what sort of stuff I write just so you can decide whether to stick around or forget that this blog ever existed... I write about useless DIY crafts, my disgust for cheese and the enemies I made with it, tips for lazy cardiophobes, or my cat's futile attempts in killing me. I write about anything except stuff that will make me do Math. But for the most part, I write about my life.

I would not say my life is interesting nor do I even try to be. But even if my stories no longer interest anyone but my three biggest fans in the entire universe (my husband, my mom, and a hater—assuming I have one), I will write anyway because this is what I love to do. 

And since you, lovely stranger, took the slightest interest by getting this far, I can't promise get-rich-quick schemes nor life-changing epiphanies here, but I will make your time on my blog count.

And oh! My name is Sarah. Born in Manila, raised and living in Davao. I am 39 years old. I am a wife to a loving and handsome Software Engineer. A mom of three adorable kiddos. 
I am a Software/Graphic/Web/UIUX Designer. A self-taught Web Developer.  I love traveling, Dr. Martens, and crop tops. I am an RA Warrior. A bacon worshiper. A tortang talong connoisseur. An okra apologist. And sometimes, I'm just a potato. 

Welcome to my blog!

For inquiries, collaborations, or god forbid violent reactions, you may contact me at


  1. Nice blog I enjoyed reading few of your articles:)

  2. I personally like your website ate, and I'm an ICT student, and I really wanted to be just like you, a Web Designer. Haha I like your site so much! Hope you can teach me some techniques or ways to make such beautiful sites! Thank you!

    1. Thank you! But I didnt design this site though. I just grabbed it from themexpose and did a few tweaks. But if there's anything I can help you with designing, dont hesitate to ask. Dont worry, I dont bite. :)

  3. Your blog is great SEREH :) i just like to know if you input all SEO meta tags in your posts or it is automatically input with your theme?

    I am a fan of ThemeXpose too. :D

    1. I don't put all SEO meta tags in my posts. I'm not sure if the theme sets it automatically. But I updated all meta tags in the template.

  4. nice blog, hope to see you in my blog too at, I am into self-development which seems like we are in the same field, enjoyed browsing around.

  5. you are funny, you don't think like a typical Filipino....that is refreshing and good...keep it up:)

  6. Hahaha.. Nilagay mo pa talaga ang english translation ng tae.. you are awesome Sar.. #howtobeyoupo.. :D

  7. we need people like you, funny and adventurous.

  8. Great content! Stalking your blog Sarah hihi the kind of blog I wish I could have written myself

  9. I love the way u delever ur thoughts :) nakakainspire po lalo n sa gaya kong bagohan and dont know so much about the tecnical aspects. Cute and very exceptional :) thank u po


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